The Miracles Of Gods For The Debacles Of Humans
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Temples Of India


The story goes that one day he was directed in dream by the present Utsavamurthi of the temple to bring it from the Mysore Sultan, lying then in the palace of the princess. And it was adored with unbounded devotion by her regularly. He went and requested the Sultan to offer it to him for installation  in the temple. When denied, he sat there itself and meditated for long. In the end, he made a apathetic appeal to Krishna to come to him. And lo! the Lord came dancing and sat on his lap. 

The wonder-struck Sultan, realising his spiritual eminence gave it to him anon. It was installed in the temple, but it had another notable development. The princess who was adoring it passionately came to Melkote and lived permanently to worship that enticing Lord. Later, she attained Sayujua mukti. There is a temple built in the memory of that devout princess. This temple allowed Harijans into it as far back as in the days of Ramanuja and Ramanuja was the prime cause for it.


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