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Temples Of India


It is fairly a big temple with strong compound wall with vast courtyards. The deity is infinitely kind in fulfilling the just desires of the sevarthis. It is believed that a Muslim jagirdar when prayed to Sri Rama devoutly, his aspiration was fulfilled miraculously. So he endowed the temple in several ways, like digging of a big pond, paving the courtyards with polished granite stones, making a chariot, besides a grand extensive banyan garden nearby. All his noble acts blessed him with the birth of a boy for which he was pining for. Thus, this famous kshetra claims Muslim devotees also, who heightened the glory of this Lord. And the sthalapurana is replete with such incidents. 

The annual festivals lure huge crowds and they are celebrated on a grand scale. Needless to prolong, soulful prayers and sincere dedication are being rewarded in this Ramaalaya irrespective of the supplicants' race, religion, region he lives. Rama rises above man-made distinctions and fulfils the desires of devotees liberally and ungrudgingly. If this truth is known to the jaundiced eyes, the world would be better and theists live in eternal bliss. But, the honourable atheists could not assimilate such dish.


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