The Temples Of North-East India
Major Sections
Temples Of India

The Royal place of Lord Siva


There is no dearth of historical evidence, but the available one is so suffused with the mystery of Lord's sports that it becomes humanly impossible to draw a precise line between legend and history. As it is conscreted by the presence of Ganga, irrigating vast plains, besides cleaning the people of their sins, it has been occupying a conspicuous place from the Vedic times. Many pouranic samrats and and historical personage yearned to extend their sovereignty over the holy and strategic area. The presiding deity - Maheswar in his invisible from too, took a leading part in deciding the fate of people and the city. During the period, when the religious fanaticism reached the zenith, he revealed his cosmic from that brought in far reaching changes. And thereby, he reinforced people's faith in him and also established that physical might is inferior to spiritual might. Many miracles that happened in and around the golden Mandir bear testimony to this fact.

With the advent of Muslims, Kasi fell victim to constant raids, loot, arson and destruction. Some of Mlechchas, in addition to plundering the city, mutilated the sacred Sivalinga and consigned it to unholy places.

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About Kasi
The Origin Of Kasi
The Famous Ghats
Manikarnika Ghat
Harischandra Ghat
Dasaswamedha Ghat
Panchaganga Ghat...
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The Mandir
Tulasimanasa Temple.....
Banaras Hindu.......