purana embodies the origin of this holy place and narrate several glories
connected with the sports of Lord Maheswar' played in this thirtha kshetra. It
is Maheswar's capital, and he abides in it eternally. Bhaktavasankar-the
Omni-benevolent God is the' supreme brilliance and shrines in all his
resplendent splendor to' light up the way for his children's Nirvana-kas to
shine, he releases the worshippers from the shackles of Punarjanma. To live, or
die in Kasi is considered meritorious and several millions of devout Hindus
prefer living here in the last stage of their life. Some go to the extent of
taking the vow of kshetrasanyasa - living in the presence of deity, and under no
circumstances going beyond five knows of Lord Mahadev; for, dying in Kasi
ensures liberation from the wheel of transmigration. Ardent theists living far
away reconcile themselves soliciting their nearers and dearers to immerse their
ashes here at least. Hence the craze for astinimarjana here. There is a belief
current that the water at the Lord's feet in so efficacious that it cures incurable
diseases, besides removing the worst worries and anxieties,
gnawing at vitals. Some ardent sanathasists, who, visit this holy kshetra-observe
the panchakrosi ritual -going round Kasi in a circle of 50 miles starting from
Manikamika, which ensures heavenly bliss. Some bigots commit religious suicide
at Kasi Karvata - a place near the mosque behind the temple. In general, it is
believed by all that the darsan of Kasi Visweswar is the goal of life, and
strive their best to visit it at least once in their life time. During the Treta,
Dwapara and Kali yugas, say until the beginning of this century, when adequete
transport facilities were not available, devout thists were going with great
fervour and in large groups to Kasi bidding as it were, adieu to kith and kin,
since returning was doubtful. Kasi, in fact, is so woven into the texture of
Hindu living that no other kshetra evokes so much veneration as Kasi.