The episode stands out in absolute
proof of the kshetra's glory as Dharmapitha-a divine spot that delivers judgments to such
perfection that none but Nyaya Devatha alone could stand on Par with it. As the verdicts proved
correct they caused terror to the double dealers, even the celestials who passed through the ordeal
approved of its perfect justice. And in course of time it went by the name of Suchindram pratyayam
and was continuing till the beginning of this century. It is second to none,
rather nowhere it is practised in the world ancient or present.
The story begins with Devendra.
Though he was the King of Gods, he was not king of morals. He was amoral, though not
immoral out and out. This lowered his status, when he satisfied his abnormal amorous
instincts with but a mortal that pushed him to subnormal level. Ahalya, the wife, of Sage Goutama
was an engrossing piece of beauty, and she must be as she was, since she was the Manasaputri of
Brahma, who created her to be 'Sundari' seen from any angle, and judged by any standard.
Such ravishing enchantress enkindled love in Devendra, whose laxity in morals necessitated him to
restoring to a strategy.