As the battle went on, the asuras assumed several dreadful forms and utilized all the skills of warfare.
To the last. Moreover, they fought on land, in the air and under water uninterrupted.
For six long days it went on Shanmuga, being a Karanajanma daringly encountered
every strategy from time to time and proved more than a match to the demonic acts of Taraka and
Singamukha and atlast killed them. When the entire army fell down dead, Surapadma rose up from the
surging waves in the form of a mango tree and hurried fast like a hurricane towards Shanmuga to
smash him to pieces. Using Devendra as his mount, Shanmuga gave him a taste of the divine valour
by dashing him into his island fortress.
In the dreaded collision that ensued, Shanmuga cleft him
into two with his potent lance. Though cut into two, Surapadma taking the forms of cock and
peacock continued the struggle. But how long! And to what effect!! Would the amoeba stand against
the might of the Almighty Shanmuga---born only to killing him? He fell, yet before his death
he tearfully, prayed for pardon. Moved as he was, Shanmuga showed his cosmic form and
accepted to make use of his peacock form as his permanent vehicle; and the cock
to adorn his banner.