The Temples Of Tamilnadu
Major Sections
Temples Of India


The temple priests sell small medicinal pallets, compounded with mud of the holy tank and they cure any kind of disease. They act as Sarvaroganivarini pills and relieve the ailing from diseases - mental, physical and spiritual. Belief itself is a sure relief to any one! At any time!! The Prasadams-Netrapidichandanam, and Tiruchandurundai given to the visitors are said to cure many ailments. Moreover, the bilva and neem leaves along with sandal paste, if taken in with the water of the Siddhamrita, every disease disappears without leaving a trace of its visitation, since everything here in the sacred Sannidhi is potent, sacred and auspicious. 

The All-benevolent Maheswar desires to see that no devotee goes home disappointed or unconsoled. Any true bhakta suffering, brought to his holy feet in vehicles, goes home dancing and singing. All but due to the healing touch of the Lord. Visit it for realisation! Pray to him for emancipation!! And then start propagation of his glory for spiritual regeneration that ensures your salvation!!!

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