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6. Thaamrodhara dyuti Paraajitha padma raagou Baahyairmahobhi ravbhi ibhootha mahendra neelou
Udyhannakhaamshubhirudastha Sasaanka Bhaasour Sri Venkateasa charanou Saranam Prapadea.

I seek refuge O Venkatesa at your sacred feet, the soles of which bear the insignia of banner, pot of ambrosia, umbrella, thunder bolt, goad, lotus, kalpavriksha, conch and disc represented by the formation of lines thereon.

7. Sapreanabheethi kamalaakara Pallavaabhyaam Samvaahaneapi Sapadi Klamamaadadhaanou 
Kaanthaava Vaangmanasa Goachara Soukumaaryou Sri Venkateasa charanou Saranam Prapadyea.

I take refuge O Lord Veankateasa at your handsome feet despite massaged constantly to remove fatigue by the tender and slender hands of Mother Lakshmi.

8. Lakshmee maheethadanuroopa nijaanubhaava Neelaadi divya mehishee karapallavaanaam
Aarunya Sankramanathah Kila saanda raagou Sri Veankatesa charanou Saranam Prapadyea.

I take refuge O Lord Venkatesa at your holy feet turned red due to constant touch by the tender soft hands of your spouses, Sridevei, Bhudevi and Niladevi also.

9. Nithyaanamadvidhisivaadi kireetakoti prathyuptha deeptha navarathna mahahprarohaih
Neerajanaa Vidhimudaara mupaadadhaanou Sri Veankatesa charanou Saranam Prapadyea.

I take refuge O Lord Venkatesa at your sacred feet adored with nirajana offered with lusterous nine gems set in the crowns of the divinities including Siva and Brahma.

10. Vishnoh Padae Paramaithyuditha prasamsou yea madhava Uthsaithi bhogyathatyapyapaaththou
Bhooyasthadeathi thava paanithala pradeshtou Sri Veankatesa charanou Saranam Prepadyea.

I take refuge O Lord Veankatesa at your sacrosanct feet extolled in the scriptures as the most holiest and also the fount of honey to be relishable, as testified by your hand bent downward pointing to them.

11. Paarthaaya thathsadrisa Saarathinaa thvaiva yea darsithou Sva charanou Saranam Vrajeathi
Bhooyoaupi mahyamihathou karadarsi thou thea Sri Veankatesa charanou Saranam Prepadyea.

I take refuge O Lord Venkatesa at your sacred feet, the very same feet shown to Arjuna in your Krishnavatara in the role of charioteer and the self-same one being pointed to me by your down-bent varadahasta.


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