Vishnu Mayam Jagat
Temples Of India

Second one is Kirthana - raising the vocal cords to recite the psalms, hymns, songs, chants and the like, either solo or in chorus. This incidentally confirms the understanding and accepting the glory of the Lord. The furthers the progress in devotion.

Smarana is the third one, which means remembering Him at leisure or in crisis, deeming His compassion alone saves him. 'This enables the sadhaka to see the multi-dimensional form of the Lord and His infinite grace through the mind's eye. Here neither lips nor the limbs are pressed into service. While sitting or standing, why even lying also, this can be practised with grace and ease.

The fourth one is Padaseva. 'This is the aftermath of complete and undivided faith in Him. 'This enjoins him to cling to His lotus feet under all circumstances for salvation, which fills him with enough courage and energy to encounter the challenges of life, comparable to whirlpool, lying right in front round the clock and trying to drag him to its bottom. Adoring the feet with flowers on washing and applying chandana inaugurates this practice.

Archana is the fifth in the order - the offering of flowers to His image at home or in temple is ordained. Chanting of hymns though not a MUST heightens the practice and comforts the sadhaka too. If the prescribed number of times is not known, or deemed to consume long time, at least repetition of it a few minutes is enough.


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