Vishnu Mayam Jagat
Temples Of India


Staunch Vaishnavates believe that Sri Mahavishnu is dwelling in lt)8 holy places called Divyadesams. And he is the Highest Providence conferring mukti on those. who are visiting and adoring these worshipful archamurtis installed therein. Pilgrimage to the Divya Desams is as indispensable as breath to the living and water for healthy sustenance. Its benefits are multifarious. solace it proffers is inexplicably infinite. These Divya Desams are strewn across our holy Bharat. but more than eighty are found in Tamilnadu. And they are in three zones of Dravida desa. like Chola. Pandya and Tondamandala. the rest are in Chera anal northern countries. Alwars visiting these holy kshetras offered pasuramalas - soul stirring mellifluous songs in praise of the presiding deities. that can melt down the stoniest hearts of even the atheists. if they care to understand their import leave alone theists, who listening to them spell-bound endear to chasten their life by putting in practice atleast one or two of the precepts enshrined therein.

For Vaishnavates, Srirangam is Bhuloka Vaikuntarn - the focal point and citadel of Vaishnavism. Alwars and pravaktas too besides visiting and dwelling made it the centre of pilgrimage investing it with ineffable glory by delineating its spiritual potentialities. This island temple's fame reached the four corners of the world on account of illustrious pravaktas. like Nadamuni. Yamunacharya and Kamanuja by making it as the headquarters of Vaishnava sampradaya. Almost all Alwars adored the Iord with never seared and ever fragrant Pasuramalas. in addition to contributing their mighty mite through construction and renovation of the temple. consummating in adorning it with the tallest tower of the entire Bharat. Around it there are six Divya Desams and making Srirangam as the base these holy six shrines can be visited easily. likewise, some other groups of temples lying in the proximity of pilgrim towns like Sirkali, Mayuvaram, Kumbhakonam, Tanjore. Madras can be visited making the principal towns as base. since conveyance can be easily obtained for quick and trouble-free journeys to them.

Now visit Srirangam first and then proceed to six other ancient Divya Desams. like Vuraiyur, Anbil, Karambanur, Tiruppernagar, Tiruvellari and Gunasekharam. Inter with Madras as base  visit others lying in its vicinity.


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