Mayam Jagat |
Of India |
Fortunate was I to hear from Lord Mahavishnu the sarvasubhaprada Thadasthu when I implored Him to accept a diamond
necklace made of gems four hundred Culled one each from those august
archamurthis I adored, numbering four hundred And wear for ever like the Kausthubham and bless my project with Subhamastu.
Inseparable is that Kausthubham sacrosanct donning His holy chest Emitting eternal dazzle mine too , stands equal adorning
Him best Shouldn't I prize my lot above kingdom or Sayujya yearned by theist? Would it not make then the datha and
grahitha equally most happiest?
Seeing me lost in joyous thought, the Lord said, flashing a madhurahasa "Your gift dear, certainly ignites desire in Lakshmi
and with mandhahasa Demands a similar one out of hopeless passion for jewellery being WOMAN Offer one to Her also"
Deeming it a boon, I'm making one more as I'm MAN.
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