Mayam Jagat |
Of India |
"Any bias for Vaishnavism... devoted the entire book for the glorification of Siva to the exclusion of Mahavishnu, the
Protector of the worlds above and below, why ? If Vishnu Temples are included, we should have made bulk purchase
without some authority commending it for sales in the Temple Information Counter or for library", thus charged me non - stop,
one devout Vaishnavate, inc - charge of indenting for the Temple Book stall, when shown the order of commendation issued
by the Commissioner of Tamil Nadu, HRCE My explanation that there are some write - ups on Vaishnavate temples in
another book fell on deaf ears; and so my approach for sale, thus went up in smoke in the office of a famous temple deemed
to be the citadel of Vaishnavism and the virtual El Doraro where glittering Vaishnava gold can be dug out with finger nails, to
the extent of running a rope - way service to Vaikunta from the country's highest temple tower. "Your attempt is no doubt
laudable, but why don't you write another similar one exclusively intended for Vaishnavaalayas... and if done, we will publish
the write-ups regularly in our monthly, though run in the vernacular.." thus commenting one high-souled responsible man,
indented for two sets of thirty, fifteen books each - one for Editor's office and another for
library Despite instant sprouting, the attempt did not blossom as expected mass purchase to be
sold in their book stall Perusing the blue print of another bulky book in process, aiming at the admission of the 300 temples of Mother
Parasakti - the Omkaraswarupini in her multifarious manifestations, a close chum suggested that one
more devoted in its entirety to the Vaishnavate shrines found to be not
only a long - felt need, but makes your composition emerge as a
great triology of books for Saivism, Vaishnavism and Saktam.
His counsel appeared plausible and workable too; for, there are
hundreds and hundreds of good old temples, installed with the images of Vishnu and His
incarnations, including his Chaturvimsati -24 aspects. And I visited most of them, regarded as
the indispensable pilgrim centres for pious Hindus, rather those who embraced, or professing Hinduism by implementing the
Hindu tenets not by compulsion but by option, after realisation of its relative
superiority. The advice haunted me for sometime, why till selecting 400 temples out of the countless ones, strewn across our sub-continent alone. And soon
christened it as VISHNU MAYAM JAGAT, incidentally forming No.2 of a quartet of 1116 Hindu Temples completed
quick succession.
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