Vishnu Mayam Jagat
Temples Of India
This is the origin of my magnum opus, after the release of that bulky book recently published, THAT LORD SIVA TO BE ADORED, covering 300 temples.

Soon the wheels were set in motion, and during the spade work, another easily digestible, and sweetsmelling delicious food for thought flashed across my mind and visualised the grandeur of the ten incarnations of Sri Mahavishnu Enraptured by the grandiose part played by each, and the gigantic temples built to perpetuate their superb glorious acts, I decided to bring out the glory of each avatar as revealed in the much hallowed icons of temples. This accounts for the emergence of the idea of writing 'Incarnation - wise' Of course this sounded good and will elate the pure religionists too by its novelty, when delineation of incarnations reflecting the process of evolution from Matsya to Kalki gets completed, giving me scope for the picturisation of Sri Mahavishnu's infinitude - cosmic form But obtaining the source material was found to be the toughest work ever imaginable akin to Herculean task; and even if one tries to stride like colossus across the entire gamut of temple literature, he could neither see shrines, nor get anything for incarnations, like Matsya, Kurma, Parasurama and particularly Balarama. So there was a complete breakdown of the vehicle in the initial stage, taking me to temples beginning with the Matsya to Kalki Avatar Libraries supposed to be the repositories of knowledge on all branches do not possess even a single leaf feeding the mind with relevant information adequate for those temples extant, for the above So the Incarnation wise representation proposal was about to vanish as instantly as it flashed. Strenuous efforts in ransacking of all the available and approachable shelves in big libraries t long last rewarded me with some sort of information - neither complete nor perfect yet, I commenced climbing on the slender thread linking to the temples dedicated especially to Matsyavatar. Kurmavatar, Vamanavatar, Parasuramavatar and Balaramavatar too When reached the sannidhis through the scanty material, I was disappointed thoroughly; for, it does not visualise the aspect in its totality - only bare outlines glimmered. Tried however much, full illumination eluded me. Hence the presentation of a few particulars of those temples concerning with the first three, next fifth and sixth and finally the eighth of the Dasavataras. With the available, inadequate information completed those five Hark! for the rest of Avataras like Narasimha, Rama, Krishna and Kalki, the abundant availability of right material is so over - whelming that it upset my mental poise - what to take and what to reject on what ground and how much confounded me beyond endurance, that I laid down my pen for long, allowing mind to transform itself into cud-chewing quadruped, hoping it may supply requisitefood. The knotty problem was solved in a way, but confining it to the limited scope of the project posed another problem. Out of four hundred number for inclusion in the book, how many for Narasimha and others is another thorn in the flesh.


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