Mayam Jagat |
Of India |
Here I have to reveal another point - plus or minus, I think you cane judge better. Books supplying relevant material are
inadequate, and even the available one or two are either too exhaustive or deplorably scanty. I made honest attempts to
write to the temple authorities to furnish me a few lines, and reminders thereon were consigned to their baskets, d seems.
My taking trips for on the spot observation is akin to a mirage; for, finance and stamina, its principal ingredients have craftily
kept themselves aloof, leaving me conveniently in lurch. So certain write - ups suffer from the ills of malnutrition, and a few
assuming enormous size, debilitated me. Yet, I assure that neither boosting, nor clipping of the image of any temple is
knowingly resorted to. Total objectivity was maintained throughout. I consciously abridged the matter in certain cases, and
deliberately magnified with some literary exuberant verbiage, taking advantage of the environments, the temple is placed in;
for, very short write - up appeals not any reader. When source material gleaned from pamphlets and folders is found
meagre, I purposely supplemented to the brief account with the description of the locality of the temples such as scenic
beauty and sublimity that lend charm and heighten the craze for visitation. I am sure, it will receive tacit approval under the
aforesaid conditions.
I do confess and proclaim with all modesty, that this is neither all - pervasive nor all inclusive. Being a compendium, I
essayed to give vital statistics of each write up and allowed imagination go off the tract, if the popularity and sanctity of the
place looming larger is luring visitors in uninterrupted streams in all the seasons.
About the plates, something has to be informed. Archamurtis are prohibited from being photographed, and regarding towers,
they vary in dimensions. Only a few to serve as specimens are added. Above all, colour printing on art paper certainly
magnifies the eye appeal, but what about the cost? On pricing of the book, I wish to and invariably to say a word or two. First
- the cost of paper spiralled upto the Everest, and along with d printing charges too over which none has any control. Of the
gloomiest side is, the demand of fifty percent discount by the distributors. Their elephant thirst saps away a greater chunk of
investment. I am made hopless, and if terms are dictated, the bundles lying in the corners moan for years and years. But one
thing I am at liberty to do allowing a good percentage on direct purchase. Write and be benefited. Whatelse remains than
expressing whole - hearted gratitude for all those instrumental for production from conception to the consummation of this
onerous project. Many - both visible and invisible contributed according to their capacity, and within their means to give
shape, size and life to this book now in your hand.
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