Vishnu Mayam Jagat
Temples Of India


There are several legends and many personages with the names of Kali and Kalki claiming the honour to the title Kalkavatar. Kalki Purana and Bhagavata cite certain evidences each with a hero and endowing him with the title of Kalkavatar, but truth seems eluding, since each story is embodying a proof that is both incomplete nor their actions fulfilled the purpose to its entirety for which they took birth. And above all, certain individuals blessed with some super human powers are being passed for Kalipurshas and people are adoring them, swept off by the monumental acts they are demonstrating. Mahatma Gandhi was considered as Kalkavatar and the mystic yoga Veerabrahma, the modern sage, whose predictions have come true is another case in the question. And the people in their craze have deified many modern machine age Mahayogis as Kalkavatars, but the pity is they like twinkling stars have illumined a fraction of the cosmos, neither they dispelled darkness in its totality nor ushered in peace and plenty as was clone by the avatara purushas in the past. So cabling an extraordinary human being as avatarapurusha ends in mirage. By all counts Sri Venkateswara of Seven Hills is considered as the Kalkavatar, and he justifies the title by lifting the saranagathas from the bog. But unanimity is not arrived at Non-Hindus, why even among Hindus some sects refute this claim and advance their arguments. So the fact is not yet solidified. Is it not better then to be satisfied with Puranic evidence for the time being? And that by striking the golden mean, hushes the voluable tongues and perverted minds.

It is wise to be aquicised with the Purana version as done to previous incarnations. According to Kalki Purana, Kalki was born to the Vishnu Yasa and Sumati couple in Sambalipura. And he was of devotional bent of mind from infancy and acquired knowledge and proficiency in arts under the preceptor ship of Parasuram. Pleased with his exemplary character, Lord Maheswar blessed him with a mighty sword. horse and a potent talking parrot. The divine parrot volunteered to seek suitable partner for its master went to Simhaladwipa during the Swayamvara of an enchanting virgin called Padmavathi and determined to pair her with Kalki. Convincing her master with the unearthly beauty of the bride. it took him to Simhala, exactly to the Pushpodhyana where Padmavathi was found in the company of her mates. Padmavathi. having been informed of Kalki's prowess, made her father agree with her desire of marrying Kalki. The wedding was solemnised this. As Kalki was born to destory Kali, an immortal wretch, who brought havoc to dharma, he went to war on the divine horse and with the mighty sword put an end to Kali. And established Dharma. The legend ends with a prophecy that Sri Mahavishnu would incarnate as Vishnu at the end of Kaliyuga to restore dharma to its original place. Taking Sri Venkateswara as Kalki avatar, many temples are built and they are found in east and west. Let us visit major ones one after another.


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