Vishnu Mayam Jagat
Temples Of India

Tripunitra - Poornatrayeesa Ambalam

The legend of this ancient Krishna temple thrills the listeners with the exciting events of Arjuna's attempt at Agnipravesa; his visit to Vaikunta in the company of Krishna and bringing with him the rare icon of Sri Krishna sitting on Adisesha. First let us acquaint ourselves with sanctity of this place of worship.

Tripunitra - the sacred meeting place of the three Vedas - Rig, Yajur and Sama lying close to Ernakulam is treasuring up a great spiritual wealth in the form of Krishna temple, built as back as in the Dwapara yuga. The idol installed by Arjuna was brought from Vaikunta and so has great sanctity and popularity.

According to legend, a pious brahmin dashed into the court hall of Sri Krishna once and bewailed the loss of his nine children, who had died one after another soon after birth. His lamentation was loud and too deep for tears. Moreover, he was audacious to blame the ruler - saying that his sensuality and laxity in moral was the chief cause for all the woe befell his lot. Arjuna, who was present then promised that there would not be any recurrence of such misfortune and he would jump into fire, if the next chili were to meet similar fate. The brahmin went home. All the while Krishna smiled, but said nothing.

But the untoward happened -the tenth child died. Arjuna prepared for Agnipravesa. Krishna intervening, took him to Vaikunta in his chariot. Welcoming them, the Lord of the Vaikunta said that in order to see Nara and Narayana both at a time, he created the situation -loss of 10 children. Being pleased, he gave life to the children. While returning, Arjuna brought a beautiful image of Krishna in sitting posture on the Adisesha with its outspread hoad resembling umbrella over the head of the Lord. It was installed at Tripunithra, the fittest place for such august icon. And lo! the very same brahmin was made to officiate as the chief-priest, and his progeny is still enjoying the same office.

At the time of installation, the region was over grown with sea same; gathering a few seeds, Arjuna crushed and lighted the lamp with their oil.  Since then using of gingeli oil for lamps is continued. The temple celebrates with great eclat three annual festivals in Chingom, Vrischikam and Kumbham. They draw thousands and then piety reaches climax with special prayer services offered.

It is about 10 km of Ernakulam, the famous port town of Kerala, accessible by bus.


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