Narasimha Mandir
The Aryavartha region of Bharat Khand seems bereft of Narasimhopasana and
even in the big Vaishnavite temples, none
can come across any niche or pavilion installed with the icon of Narasimha, the fourth incarnation of Sri Mahavishnu. In
certain 'places, his form represented on the wall panels in the company of several other adorable deities. Independent big
shrines with regular agamic worship, are but a parity, except at Joshi mutt, where the archamurti -Ugra Narasimha is
associated with a fantastic legend. Joshi mutt, the winter, seat of Badarinath is housing several shrines, small and big. in
addition to Shankar Matt established by Sri Sankaracharya. And it is one among the four found at Dwaraka, puri and
Rameswaram. Among the shrines of hoary antiquity, Ugra Narasimha - the half man and half lion incarnation of Lord
Srimannarayana located near the mutt is of great spiritual significance. There is a belief current that the exact day, when the
diminishing left arm of the archamurti wears out totally, the august Badarinath ceases to exist and then the assemblage of
gods in that shrine would move further off to Niti valley. As believed there are signs of gradual reduction in the arm
perceivable with the aid of microscope says the local. This phenomenon rousing bhakti instincts is drawing the bhaktas
frequently. There are regular prayers conducted 'an accordance with agama tenets. This unique Narasimha shrine with such
queer legend is drawing locals everyday and streams of pilgrims during the season lasting for six months.
It lies on the way to Badarinath in the Gharwal district of Uttar Pradesh and accessible by bus.