- Parasurama Mandir
is the third point of the triangle of eternal fascination in the Srimur district
of Himachal Pradesh. Its tourist potential and spiritual wealth stands on par
with Paonta Saheb and Nahan the first and second of the triangle of the most
reputed places of the state. Renuka is a vast picturesque lake.
that cast a spell on the aesthetes and gay tourists with its placid crystal
water resembling the shape of a sleeping woman and commemorates, the ghostly
episode of Parasurama's killing his own mother Renuka here. Hence the
appropriate name that recalls to memory several events that took pl4ce in the
asram of Jamadagni. It is said that after that awesome incident, this lake
Renuka was formed, surrounded by enchanting green fields bearing golden corn.
Set amidst high hills and exquisite spectacles of bounteous Nature, this place
is attracting a steady influx of tourists and theists since then. And there are
some holy temples enshrining the images of highest divinities too. The Parasuram
temple built on the bank of the tank incidentally called Parasuram Tal occupies
the highest place and commands the greatest number of devotees, throughout the
year. It is popular as Purani Deoti. Lord Parasuram is renowned for granting
boons of all kinds, and remover of distress of any type.
well-built temple is exceedingly imposing and superb in sculptural
beautification. Daily puja is offered with great devotional fervour. Among the
annual festivals, one held in the month of November merits indispensable
mention. It lures lakhs of persons due to a big fair held in memory of the
chaste mother Renuka and her dutiful son Parasuram. It lasts for a week, when
the devotional exuberance with colourful processions reach the pinnacle of
glory. A wide variety of cultural programmes, such as folk dances, religious
discourses etc. arranged specially for this to heighten the sacredness of this
kshetra. It is during this festival, all the local deities are brought to this
temple in decorated palanquins in an impressive procession, and are given a
ceremonial bath. in the Renuka lake for heightening their splendor. Visitors
coming from far off places conduct several special prayer services after taking
bath in the holy lake. Among the most commendable traditions practised and
ceremonies observed during the festival is - the exchange of turbans or caps by
the participants in token of forging firm relationship. They become then,
according to belief, brothers and sisters in the name of deity. Even exchange of
cupped handful of water among them brings about the same effect and impact. It
is a colourful occasion when many hoary practices surface and establish strong
bonds among the people. All this take place during a very big fair held that
lends unusual glamour and sinks the visitors in the ocean of bliss nonpareil.
Its place, among the very few Parasuram kshetras is decidedly greater and higher
lies 45 km off Nahan, an important town in Himachal Pradesh accessible by bus.