- Srimoolasthanam
What an irony! there is no separate, independent well- constructed abode for Lord Parasuram to redeeming Kerala's
indebtedness and expression of mellowed gratitude to hint. It appears - mannism hovers over the entire Kerala region, but at
Trirhur, the Vadakkunathan temple built on the Vrishabhachalam is enshrining a small but sacred dial like structure called Sri
Moolasthanam built in his memory, and it glom is perpetuating the inimitable and unforgettable part he played for the spiritual
regeneration and intellectual renaissance of Kerala - his own gift to mankind.
It has an exciting story imbued with mysticism and omnipresent divinity. It lies under a peepal tree near the western tower. It
is indeed a topless, doorless and ritualess shine wringing veneration, with prostration from the devout who knew its origin
and its invisible spiritual eminence. It is said that it is this sacred spot from which his final injunctions were given to the
Nambudri priests and temple administrators before his final disappearance. He assured them that he would come to their
rescue under trying circumstances. And gave the procedure for invoking his presence with fast and chanting of hymns.
Fortunately all went well for years due to efficacy of his advice. But some spec tics among the young chicks disbelieving his
word, wanted to put him to test.
They implemented the procedure laid down. Lo! to their shock, there appeared Parasuram with a question mark face. The
assembled fearing danger fumbled and mumbled: seeing the calamity reaching the zenith, the elderly priest begged pardon
on behalf of the immature idiot.
Cursing the mischief - monger,, he made an exit, saying that he would never appear under any
circumstance whatsoever.
Witnessing the anger manifested in his reddened fact, and eyes darting parks, the whole gathering bent their heads and
prostrated before that Sri Moolastltanam.
This establishes his indomitable spirit and unpardonable nature to the
The particular sacrosanct Sri Moolasthanam is receiving regular worship along with a place where he lived for years in this
Kshetra. Although no edifice is crested fur him, this open air shrine is passed for his eternal presence.
This lies in Trichur, the district headquarters town in Kerala, commanding all the transport and lodging facilities.