Vishnu Mayam Jagat
Temples Of India

The fourth aspect of Lord is Antaryamitva -taking His seat in the every created object. His presence is imperceptible by any means  whatsoever and with any instrument at it. Mark it! it is only for the commoners lost in the pursuit of material objects in this temporal world, but for the devout spiritual men, it is easily disco rnable As He is all pervasive, instrumental in giving shape, size, smell, stature and breath. He is to be revered always, and by all. 'Me whole cosmos is pervaded by His spirit, whether living or dead. His cosmic form - Viswarupa testifies this truth. Here is the scriptural quotation - "Antarbhahisoha tatsarvam vyapyah Narayanasthith" affirming and attesting this fact.

The final one is archa aspect - icon form. And He dwells with some name or the other in millions and millions of consecreted places of worship - temples built for public worship and puja mandaps, enshrining His form, made in one of the darusilaloha objects - wood, stone or metal. He is made instantaneously accessible and indispensably available due to taking shape in the inanimate object, and moreover firmly established in the innermost part of the temple called garbha griha with mantra, tantra and yantra. 'Ibis archa form was assumed by the lord in some cases at the instance of gods, maharshis, acharyas, pravaktas and afflicted after rowing the saranagathas acorns the ocean of hardships. And in many cases the humanist philanthropists installed the holy images for the ready access and instant adoration of the religious minded people. And as He is extending the round clock vigilance from the place of His residence -the temple and protecting theists by warding off the Santanic forces through demonstration of miracles, He is dwelling in the heart of every god-believer. These Bhagavannilayas are strewn across the whole Bharata Varsha, embodying icons of not only the Highest Lord, but also many of His insignificant forms too with a view to catering to the different stages of mental make up and blossoming of souls.


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