can't live that kind of life, he said. I
is the life you came here for, Sanyal replied. The
life you have spent three years training for.
came here to learn to fly. Not to fight!
are you going to settle down, then, and raise a family?
Ajay shuddered.
Never! he exclaimed.
householder's life can be a good life, Sanyal went on. There
can be greatness in it. A devout and selfless householder can
realize the Infinite.
Ajay looked at him
sharply. He had never told his friend of his youthful Experience or
of the deepest longing of his heart; nor had Sanyal ever mentioned
such matters before.
could never be a householder, he said more calmly. The
very idea suffocates me. Tied wing and foot to a nest. Hatching
eggs, feeding babies who will hatch eggs and feed babies who will
hatch eggs and feed babies who will ... It's been going on for
millions and millions of years and will go on for millions and
millions more. No!
you don't have to decide this moment, Sanyal said. You
can't take the exams in this conditions anyhow. Neither can Ahmad,
if that is any comfort to you.
That he had badly
wounded Ahmad was no comfort to Ajay. He loathed himself, not for
having fought, but for the blind rage that had possessed him during
the battle. It was something he never wanted to experience again.