Every Hindu Ought To Know |
Rig Veda itself has unequivocally declared that the Truth is one and the sages call it by various names. As regards the
countless religious works, they are meant for different types of people who are in various stages of intellectual and spiritual
evolution. A post-graduate student and a higher secondary student are not supposed to exchange their text-books and books
and thereby get bewildered ! It is here that a correct understanding and appreciation of the doctrine of
Adhikara Bheda comes to our aid.
SECOND OBJECTION : Hinduism preaches rank idolatry and encourages superstition.
Idolatry means worship of idols considering that they themselves are God. No Hindu ever worships a stone or a metal image
with this attitude. He always worships God through them. If an objection is raised even against this, then there is no reason why
the Christians who worship the image of Jesus and the Bible or the Mohammedans who kiss the Kaaba stone or the patriots
who salute the national flag, should not be dubbed as idolators !
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