What Every Hindu Ought To Know


SIXTH OBJECTION : A religion which confers the status of the highest incarnation of God on a mythical and immoral person like Sri Krishna is paving the way for the whole society to become likewise.   Bitter criticism and ridicule of Hinduism as also malicious propaganda against it, very often centres round the life, personality and doings of Lord Sri Krishna. A dispassionate study and analysis will however reveal the hollowness of these arguments.  

At the very outset, let it be known that Sri Krishna's historicity has been established beyond doubt by several scholars including Sri Aurobindo. On the other hand it is the historicity of Jesus himself - upon whose personality the mighty Churchian empire rests that has been called in question by several European scholars. This mighty Churchian empire will collapse like a house of cards, the moment the historicity of Jesus is conclusively disproved, whereas the mightier river of Hinduism will continue to flow on irrespective of the historicity of Ramas and Krishnas (who are just ripples in this river) because it is based on eternal principles and not on personalities.   

The earliest reference to Sri Krishna and an unfoldment of his true personality occurs in the great epic and history of the Hindus viz, the Mahabharata. Curiously enough, this epic has always treated him as a Kshatriya King. Not even his bitterest enemies like Shishupala, who figure in this great book, ever allude to his so-called immorality. In fact, Duryodhana, another critic of his, has all admiration for his wonderful personality and even admits of his divinity !

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