is here that the orthodox traditional monasteries can play a major
part. In the earlier years they have done a wonderful job of keeping
aloft the burning torch of our Dharma. However with the accumulation
of wealth their men decayed. Pelf, prestige and power became their
primary concern. Even today if they wake up to realities, give up
their fossilized ways of thinking and acting and move with the
changing society, all the while sticking to the eternal values in
our Dharma, they can achieve still greater wonders what with their
learning, wealth and prestige.
They should make vigorous efforts for
the propagation of the core of our Dharma, simplify the rituals,
draw up a code of conduct practicable for all the Hindus, make the
four sacraments of Jatakarma, Upanayana, Vivaha and Antyeshti simple
and obligatory on all the Hindus and issue injunctions to their
respective followers to reabsorb and rehabilitate the reconverts. |