this emotive principle of national unity and integrity Hindu Rashtra
furnishes the most practical mode for the country's development in
all the various diverse fields as the economic, educational, social,
labour, agriculture, etc. Indeed the raison d'etre for the
acceptance of Hindu Rashtra lies precisely in this; no aspect of
human life is excluded from its encompass. It is a total philosophy
of life. Already, the RSS men working in various fields of national
life have come up with unique applications of Hindu though in fields
such as labour, agriculture, education, social reforms, etc. Any
impartial critic would readily concede that these indeed offer a
highly positive, constructive and holistic approach for these
fields. The wholesome impact of this approach is already in ample
evidence in all areas where such organisations are forging ahead.
The people too have come to recognise their activities and
achievements as islands of hope and confidence in the otherwise
enveloping gloom of failures and frustrations.
Finally, a word regarding the
emerging trends vis a vis the Hindu Rashtra. If we have to assess it
correctly, we have to first realise that Hindu Rashtra is neither a
mere political ideology or much less an ism. It is the
supreme fact of this soil and what the advocates of Hindu Rashtra
are trying to do is just to make our people realize this inmost
reality of our national life and live in tune with it. After all a
nation, just as an individual, can evolve itself only when it
attunes itself to its inborn genius. It will also strive its utmost
to throw off any obstacles imposed upon it that might thwart its
natural evolution.