fact, the granting of special provision of Art 370 to Kashmir has
paved the way fir similar other demands like the cry for Khalistan.
What answer does Congress have to the query if Kashmir can have
special status, why not Punjab? So, we find that these are all the
creations of Congress itself and not of Hindu Rashtrawalas. In fact,
none of these separatist elements have ever spoken of Hindu Rashtra
as a threat to their identity and that they were demanding separate
status because of that.
On the positive side also, it can be
safely stated that the most potent factor still binding the people
in all insurrection infested parts with the rest of the country is
the Hindu ethos. The experience of Hindu workers engaged in various
social and cultural activities in all such areas also bears out the
fact that Hindu appeal alone can successfully dissolve the
separatist pulls and strengthen the spirit of their oneness and
harmony with the rest of the country. Even in Punjab, we find the
RSS and other Hindu oriented organisations standing as an
impregnable bulwark against separatist propaganda. It is they who
have by their profession and practice, come to command implicit
confidence in the eyes of both Sikhs and non Sikh Hindus alike as a
firm guarantee of our national unity and integrity.