When India became independent, the leaders of the nation thought it fit to
re-adjust the ancient laws with the new prevailing conditions, so that they could deal
adequately with the growing problems of the time. Hence the Hindu Code Bill has been
drafted and is before the Indian Parliament.
Though this new Law code is not introducing anything that cannot be
found in the earlier law-books, yet as we have forgotten our old laws and as custom
prevailed strong through centuries and also as few are the scholars who have read the
originals, the Bill is looked upon as bringing about a revolutionary change which will
affect Hindu religion and Hindu ideal of life.
So strong has been the public opinion against it, that police and
military aid had to be called in when the Bill was before the House! If the Bill is
passed, it will only re-establish the time honored customs and laws of ancient India and
show the glory of Indian culture to the world.