Women In The Sacred Laws
Major Sections


Then spoke the deathless Brahma, "Mother Earth is overburdened with the sins of mortals. She prays for relief. Irreligion and lawlessness pervade the earth. Unless law and religion are established among mortals, Mother Earth will remain ever devoid of peace."

"So be it," replied the benignant God. "On your way you will find a rich but sinful man Padmavarna. Teach him Dharma-he will spread law on earth." So saying, the great God disappeared.

Mother Earth went to her abode. Brahmana Narada floated in the aerial sky. They neared a palace from which were heard screams of agony. Terror reigned in the region. It was the house of Padmavarna.

Brahma and Narada assumed the form of rich merchants and approached him for hospitality. Padmavarna, was happy to welcome them but he had wicked plans behind his good looks. He intended to kill them and take their wealth.

The noble guests were first offered water to wash their weary feet, then they were conducted to the richly decorated hall. They rested and talked of merchandise. Padmavarna cleverly found out the amount of wealth these guests carried. It was verily a king’s treasure!

Night came; the dinner hall was richly decorated; fruits and drinks of various kinds were placed there. Delicious and rich food satisfied the weary strangers. They were then conducted to their respective rooms for rest.

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About Prologue
How Dharma Came Into Existence Pg.1
You are Here! How Dharma Came Into Existence Pg.2
How Dharma Came Into Existence Pg.3
How Dharma Came Into Existence Pg.4
The Meaning And Scope of Dharma Pg.1
The Meaning And Scope of Dharma Pg.2
The Period Covered By Law-Books Pg.1
The Buddhist Law Pg.1
The Buddhist Law Pg.2
Law and Religion in Hindu Culture Pg.1
Law and Religion in Hindu Culture Pg.2
Law and Religion in Hindu Culture Pg.3