Hindu Phenomenon |
accept no divisions between the believer and the unbeliever. Every
path leads to Him (God or Reality); there can be as many paths to
Him as the number of human, in fact, sentient beings. For, every
being is differently constituted, with different capacities and
needs, and can follow only a path appropriate to him or her. As
such, Hindus can have no difficulty in accepting the legitimacy of
Christianity and Islam for their adherents, though for themselves
they cannot possibly accept either Christ as the only son of God, or
Mohammed as the seal of prophecy and the Koran as the immutable word
of God to be taken literally. Indeed, the prophetic tradition is
alien to Hinduism. An avatar (incarnation of God) is not a Hindu
variant of the prophet. His actions and sayings are not immune to
interpretation and, in fact, to disregard and rejection.
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