this reckoning, India must possess an all-India party, capable of
providing firm government in New Delhi, though India's diversity too
must, by the same logic, find greater expression than it has under
the Congress dispensation.
If my assessment of the Congress in
respect of its ideological superstructure, leadership and
support-base problems, as outlined earlier, is not too wide off the
mark, the conclusion would be unavoidable that the BJP is the party
of the future. That indeed appears to be the case to me.
The BJP is not a communal party: it
cannot be, for the simple reason that Hindus have never been, and
are not, a community in the accepted sense of the term. They
represent an ancient civilization not known either to draw a
boundary between the faithful and the faithless, the blessed and the
damned, or to engage in heresy hunting and its counterpart,
persecution of other faiths. Hindus are, in Western terms, pagans.
Religion is a Semitic enterprise and is alien to their spirit and
ways. They have no book and no church.