Hindu Phenomenon |
3 - The Older Order Changeth... |
Nehru too came into the Congress leadership from above. He
did not graduate into it, as did others. Indira Gandhi had, in a
sense, to struggle for supremacy in the party but only after the top
position had been conceded to her in the first instance. Her
conflict with the organizational bosses began after they had placed
her in the powerful office of Prime Minister. She vanquished them
first in 1969 and then in 1978 and converted the Congress into a
praetorian guard for the family. That is why it came to be, and
continues to be, described as Congress (Indira). The dynasty had
been consolidated. Rajiv Gandhi succeeded her without the slightest
resistance in a true dynastic style. His leadership was not
questioned even after a series of electoral defeats, culminating in
the loss of power for the party at the Centre in 1989.
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