Hinduism Doctrine And Way Of Life
Major Sections
Books By Rajaji


But a change has now come about and unhappiness in any sector of society or in any part of the world is considered as an intolerable disgrace and it is the conscious aim of all classes and all people to reach much higher standards of general, physical and moral comfort than now prevail. Inequality is no longer considered either necessary or even tolerable.

The old scheme of life based on private competition and laissez faire is definitely condemned as anarchic.  It has come to be looked upon as a revised edition of the law of the jungle. It is now widely recognized that what was hitherto thought to be the private enclosures of individual life must in the interest of society as a whole be trespassed upon and regulated by the community, The common weal has the dominant claim in every National State.

It is also realized that, as far as possible, regulation should be deemed an international obligation, since the nations of the world and their needs have become so interrelated that it is now an established rule that national boundaries should no longer mark the limits of economic control.

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