The differences
between Adwaita and Dwaita philosophies do not affect the Hindu Ethic, the way of life
that flows as a corollary from the conclusions of philosophers being the same on account
of the acceptance of the law of karma by all Hindu philosophers. Indeed it may be said in passing that the way of life that flows as
a corollary from the great Semitic faiths, which are all in Hindu terminology Dwaitic in
character, is the same as what every Hindu understands to be the teaching of his faith, be
it Dwaita or Adwaita. When coming down to how we should live, all faiths become Dwaita
Man is under Gods command as subjects are under a
sovereign monarch. The Gita which expands and explains the ethic of Vedanta emphasizes
that the activities of the world must go on and we should so act that thereby the world
improves in the coming generations. The Vedanta ethic is not for the advancement of the
individual but of the world as a whole, advancement in the best sense of the word. |