The world is
peopled by ourselves re-born and so there is an intimate connection between our own
spiritual improvement and the future of the world. We leave conditions behind for
posterity, not only in the environment, but also according to the doctrine of re-birth we
decide the character of the future population by our present thoughts and acts. Like good
people who plant trees for their children, we should work to improve humanity by improving
ourselves for future births, even though there may be no continuity of memory and identity
of personality. Otherwise, the world cannot be come progressively better as we a desire it
should. The good man should do the tasks to which he
is called and which appertain to his actual place in society. What ever be the position to
which he may aspire, his actual place in society for the time being determines his
obligations in the general interest. In all his activities he does things like others
outwardly, but inwardly he maintains a spirit of detachment. He does everything like
others but without any selfish motive. He maintains equilibrium of mind in success and
failure, in pleasure and pain, in joy and sorrow. |