The weasel's body was on one side all shining gold. This remarkable
creature turned round and took a good view of the assembly of princes and learned brahma-
nas that had come from various countries and gathered in that great pavilion and began to
"Princes assembled and priests, listen to me. You no doubt believe
that you have completed your yajna in splendid style.
Once upon a time, a poor brahmana who lived in Kurukshetra made a gift
of a pound of maize flour. Youre great horse sacrifice and all the gifts made in
that connection are less than that small gift of the Kuruk- shetra brahmana. You seem to
think too much of your yajna. Pray, be not so vain about it."
The gathering was amazed at this strange and impertinent speech of the
golden weasel. The brahmana priests, who had performed the sacrificial rites, went up to
the weasel and spoke to it: