Listen to my story which is a true narrative of what I saw myself.
"Long before you waged your battle there, a brahmana, lived in Kurukshetra, who
obtained his daily food by gleaning in the fields.
He and his wife, son and daughter-in-law, all four lived in this
manner. Every day in the afternoon they would sit down and have their only meal for the
On days when they failed to find enough grain, they would fast until
the next after noon. They would not keep over any thing for the next day if they got more
than they required for the day. This was the strict unchhavritti discipline they
had pledged themselves to observe.
"They passed their days thus for many years, when a great drought
came and there was famine all over the land. All cultivation ceased and there was neither
sowing nor harvesting nor any grain scattered in the fields to be gleaned.
For many days the brahmana and his family starved. One day, after
wandering in hunger and heat, with great difficulty they came home with a small quantity
of maize, which they had gathered.