We have sent him to the Himalayas to get from Indra, the king of gods,
weapons with which we could conquer Bhishma, Drona, Kripa and Aswatthama, since it is
certain that these heroes will fight on the side of the sons of Dhritarashtra.
Kama knows the secret of divine weapons, and his supreme wish is to
fight withArjuna. I have sent Arjuna to gain Indra's grace and get weapons from him as the
Kaurava heroes can be defeated by no other means.
Having sent him on a very difficult errand, we cannot live here
happily, for we miss him in all our accustomed haunts. I wish to go elsewhere, for that
may enable us to bear the separation better.Can yousuggest where we could go?"
Dhaumya described many forests and holy places. The Pandavas went the
round of those places to relieve themselves to some extent from the pangs of separation.
They spent many years in this pilgrimage and in listening to the
traditions, which sanctified each shrine. Draupadi would often feel exhausted by having to
traverse mountains and forests. Bhima, sometimes helped by his son Ghalotkacha, would
serve and encourage them and make their labors easy.