Mahabharata |
Books By Rajaji |
Salva: Friend of
Sisupala, who besieged Dwaraka Sri Krishna's kingdom to avenge Sisupala's death at the
latter's hand.
Salya : Ruler of Madradesa and brother of Madri and uncle of the Pandavas who because of
having received hospitality from Duryodhana went over to his side.
Samsaptaka :One who has taken a vow to conquer or die, and never to retreat. The
Samsaptakas were suicide-squads, vowed to some desperate deed of derring-do.
Samvarta: Brihaspati's younger brother, a person of great learning
Samba :A Yadava youngster dressed as a Woman who gave birth to a mace, as foretold by
Sanga: Son of Virata. When king Virata was wounded, he had to get into Sanga's chariot,
having lost his chariot, horses and charioteer
Sanjaya :The narrator who tells blind Dhritarashtra the progress of the war from day to
day. He told the king that a victim of adverse fate would first become perverted and loses
his sense of right and wrong. Time would destroy his reason and drive him to his own
Sankula: Yuddha A melee, confused fight, a soldiers battle as distinguished from the
combats of heroes.
Santa :Wife of sage Rishyasringa.
Santanu: King of Hastinapura, father of Bhishma. |
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