Mahabharata |
Books By Rajaji |
Younger son of Santanu who succeeded King Chitrangada on the throne of Hastinapura. He had
two sons, Dhritarashtra and Pandu.
Vikarna :A son of Dhritarashtra who declared the staking of Draupadi illegal, as
Yudhishthira himself was a slave and had lost all his rights. Therefore the Kauravas had
not won Draupadi legally, he held
Vinda, Anuvinda: Two brothers kings of Avanti, great soldiers whom were on the Kaurava
side, they suffered defeat at the hands of Yudhamanyu
Virata :King of Matsya, the country which was suggested by Bhima to live in incognito
during the 13th year of their exile.
Visoka: Bhima's charioteer.
Visvarupa: Name of Twashta's son who became the preceptor of the gods, Brihaspati having
left when insulted by Indra.
Vivimsati: A Kaurava hero.
Viswarupa: All - pervading, all - including form. See the description in the Bhagavad Gita
Ch. IX
Vriddhakshatra :King of the Sindhus, father of Jayadratha into whose lap his son
Jayadratha's head was caused to fall by Arjuna after cutting off Jayadratha's head.
Vrika: A Panchala prince who fell in battle.
Vrisha, Achala: Sakuni's brothers.
Vrishnis, Kekayas: Tribals who were devoted to the Pandavas who- with Sri Krishna visited
the Pandavas in their exile.
Vrishasena :A warrior on the Kaurava side. |
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