Mahabharata |
Books By Rajaji |
Bhuminjaya :
Another name of prince Uttara son of Virata who had proceeded to fight the Kaurava armies,
with Brihannala as his charioteer.
Burisrwas : One of the powerful kings on the side of the Kauravas.
Bibhatsu : One of Arjuna's name meaning a hater of unworthy acts.
Chala : A Kaurava warrior.
Chandala : A person of a degraded caste. Whose conduct was much below standard and
whose cause pollution.
Charachitra : A son of King Dhritarashtra who perished in the war
Chavadi : Place of public assembly of the village. It is the property of the entire
community. In it all public business is transacted, and it serves also as the
village club the headquarters of the village
police and guest house for travellers.
Chekitana : Head of one division of the Pandava army.
Chitra A son of Dhritarashtra killed in the war.
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