When he remarked about this, Karna said: "How can this be Arjuna?
What does it matter even if he is? What can Arjunaalone do against us in the absence of
the other Pandavas?
The king has left his son alone in the, city and gone with his whole
army to fight against Susarma. The young prince has brought the attendant of the ladies of
the palace as his charioteer. That is all."
Poor Uttara was imploring Brihannala to let him go, promising untold
wealth if he did so. He appealed to his pity: "I am the only son of my mother. I am a
child grown up on my mother's lap. I am full of fear."
But, Brihannala wanted to save him from himself, and would not let him
go. He pursued him, seized him and dragged him to the chariot by force.
Uttara began to sob and said: "What a fool I was to brag! Alas!
What will happen to me?"
Arjuna said kindly, soothing the prince's fears: "Be not afraid. I
shall fight with the Kauravas. Help me by looking after the horses and driving the
chariot, and I shall do the rest.