Believe me, no good ever came of flight. We will rout the enemy and
recover your cows. You will have all the glory." With these words Arjuna lifted the
prince on to the chariot and, putting the reins in his hands, asked him to drive to wards
a tree near the burial ground.
Drona, who was watching all this intently, knew that the fantastically
dressed charioteer was Arjuna and shared his knowledge with Bhishma.
Duryodhana turned to Karna and said: "Why should we worry who he
is? Even if he is Arjuna, he will be only playing into our hands, for his being discovered
will send the Pandavas to the forest for another twelve years."
As soonas they came near the tree Brihan- nala bade the prince get
down, climb the tree and take down the arms hidden there. The prince said in alarm and
grief: "People say that what hangs on this tree is the corpse of an old huntress. How
can I touch a dead body? How can you ask me to do such a thing?"
Arjuna said: "It is not a corpse, prince: I know that it contains
the weapons of the Pandavas. Climb up the tree bravely and bring them down. Do not