family teacher, Kripacharya, is also present in this assembly. How could you then pay the
first honour to this cowherd? Ashwatthama, the hero who is expert in all sastras, is here.
How did you choose Krishna, forgetting him?
"Among the princes assembled here, there
is Duryodhana. And there is also Karna, the disciple of Parasurama. Is he not the hero who
fought Jarasandha single-handed and defeated him?
Leaving him aside, out of childish partiality,
you chose Krishna for the first honour- Krishna who is neither royal, nor heroic, nor
learned, nor holy, nor even hoary-who is nothing but a low cowherd! Thus you have
dishonoured us all, whom you have invited here.
"O kings, it is not out of fear that we
assented to Yudhishthira's assuming the title of 'emperor' We personally do not much care
whether he is friend or foe. But, having heard much prate of his righteous- ness, we
wanted to see him uphold the flag of dharma. |