has now wantonly dishonoured us, after all that talk of virtue and dharma. What virtue or
dharma was there in his giving priority of honour to this villain Krishna who killed
Jarasandha in an unjust manner? You should henceforth call Yudhishthira an
unrighteous person.
"O Krishna, what impudence on your part to
accept the undeserved honour which these misguided Pandavas did you! Did you forget
Or did you forget decent tradition? Or was it
just a case of a dog snatching at a remnant of food which nobody cared to claim or guard?
Do you not really see that this farce is a
ghastly mockery and disgrace to yourself? It is like the mockery of showing beautiful
things to a blind man or offering a maiden in marriage to a eunuch. Likewise, these kingly
honours are really an affront to you. |