The Raakshasa
king was somewhat ashamed and afraid at the thought of what Hanumaan had achieved in
Lanka. He summoned his ministers and took counsel with them.
He began in an apologetic tone. "What has happened is something strange and
unexpected. No one has till now been known to enter our city, but this envoy of Raama has
not only entered Lanka, he has met and talked with the imprisoned Seeta. He has destroyed temples and palaces. He has slain some of our best
warriors. He has filled our people with fear. And this thing is not likely to stop here.
Hence we have to consider what should be done. You know that the king should decide his
course of action only after consulting his loyal ministers of clear vision and well-versed
in statecraft.
And so I have summoned this Council. Raama has become an
inveterate enemy. Let us consider what we should do about it. |