Did you not
invade the city of Bhogavati and de feat the Naaga king? Did you not attack powerful
Kubera and defeat him and his Yakshas and capture his Pushpaka Vimaana as well as this
island of Lanka? Did not Maya in fear of you sue for your favour and friendship and give
you his daughter in marriage? How many cities in the nether region have you not attacked
and taken? You fought and defeated the Kaalakeyas. The
sons of Varuna, yea, and Yama himself have been suppliants for your mercy. And who -is
this Raama? Your son Indrajit by himself can destroy Raama and his Vaanara army. Did he
not seize and imprison Indra himself and afterwards let him go? How can Raama and his
Vaanaras stand against such a warrior? You have only to bid Indrajit destroy this Vaanara
crowd and all will be over. Why should you, great king, be anxious?"
Thus they spoke in praise of their king. |