In the Raama avataar, Raama did not know that he was God incarnate. Krishna knew
that he was an avataar and acted accordingly. We should read the two stories with this
difference in mind. The despair and grief that the man Raama experienced, Krishna never
knew. When he sucked at the demon-woman's breast or was bound with a rope and thrashed for
mischief, he cared not nor grieved. Standing weaponless in the battle-field, he led the
warrior to destroy the wicked. In every episode of Krishna we see the difference between
the two avataars.
I have followed the story of the Prince of
Ayodhya as told by Vaalmeeki. There was a legend current among people, I think even before
Vaalmeeki's time, that after recovering Seeta, for fear of scandal, Raama sent her away to
live in the forest. |