This pathetic episode must have sprung from the sorrow-laden imagination of our
women. It has taken shape as the Uttarakaanda of Raamaayana. Although there is beauty in
the Uttarakaanda, I must say my heart rebels against it. Vaalmeeki had disposed of this
old legend through the fire ordeal in the battle field. Even that ordeal does not seem to
me as consistent with Raama's character. It is painful to read it.
As the Prince returned from Mithila he met
Parasuraama. I have heard it said that with that meeting Parasuraama's avataar came to an
end. Likewise, it should be held, I think, that Raama's avataar came to an end with the
slaying of Raavana. After that battle, Raama remained only as a King of the Ikshvaaku
race. |