Does a plant spring from the seed or does seed issue from the plant? Was the bird
or the egg the first cause? Did clouds rise from the sea or was the sea filled by the
waters from the sky? All such inquiries take us to the feet of God transcending speech and
One other point. In describing how Raavana
carried off Seeta, Kamban differs from Vaalmeeki. In Kamban's Raamaayana, Raavana does not
seize and carry Seeta as Vaalmeeki describes; with out touching her he lifts her with the
earth on which she stands. Kamban's version is followed by most popular expositors because
this version is less painful to our feelings.
It is no sin or shame to an innocent woman
if a villain behaves like a brute. Yet, mistakenly, we in this country look on the
violence of a brute as causing a blemish to the woman's purity. It is in deference to this
wrong feeling that Kamban departed from Vaalmeeki here. |