Aadisesha : The
primordial Serpent which is Lord Vishnu's bed. Aagneyaastra
: A missile charged with an invocation to the God Agni (Fire).
Aaryaputra : 'Noble prince; classical form of address by
wife to husband, betokening love and respect combined.
Aashrama : Hermitage.
Aasuric Yajna : Sacrifice pertaining to Asuras.
Demoniacal sacrifice and necromancy for gaining power.
Abhisheka : Religious rite of pouring or sprinkling sacred
waters on the head of one who is installed as King or First Prince.
Adharma : Sin, unrighteous action, opposite of dharma.
Agni : The God of Fire.
Alakaapuri : The capital of Kubera, the God of Wealth.
Amaraavati : The city in heaven where Indra has his abode.
Aruna : The God of Dawn, first son of Kasyapa Prajaapati
and Vinata. He was born lame. |